Many people have excellent ideas for businesses and want to get started as soon as they can. Some feel that they should be able to open their doors without state involvement, but you should know that doing so could get you into legal trouble.
Your business may need permits and licenses to be opened legitimately. To determine which you’ll need, you will need to talk to your local and state officials, since every kind of business is different.
What could influence the need for licenses or permits?
Depending on what kind of business you run and where you’re located, you may need one or more local licenses or permits. For example, if you plan to run a business, you need to check the local zoning laws. If the property you want to use isn’t zoned for commercial use, you may not be able to use it without seeking a change in zoning or an exception for your business.
If you plan to run a home-based business, you might need special licensing to do so. You may also find that you thought you could run it out of your home but that your state does not allow you to do so.
If you sell food or alcohol, you may find that you need special permits, too. For example, if you want to sell liquor, you will likely need to have a liquor license to do so (especially if you make drinks on site).
Where can you find out more about the licenses or permits you may need?
You’ll be able to find out more about the permits or licenses that might be needed to run your business if you reach out to your local Chamber of Commerce or City Clerk. If you’re just starting your business and haven’t gotten your basic business license, you may also want to discuss your plans with an attorney, accountant and other professionals who can help you get started with the right business formation and accounts to stay on the correct side of the law. Not setting up your business correctly or getting licensing when you need it could lead to major legal challenges down the line.